maandag 19 november 2007

Against All Odds: Israel Survives op TBN

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Experience what some have called, the modern miracles of Israel, through the eyes of a seasoned journalist, Michael Greenspan, and explore the question: why has Israel survived against all the odds? This 13 part dramatic television series, appropriately tilted, “Against All Odds: In Search of a Miracle”, takes a fascinating journey into the documented stories of supernatural phenomenon, which birthed and preserved modern Israel. Eyewitness accounts and commentary by high ranking government officials, generals, soldiers, foreign leaders and even their Arab enemies are collectively irrefutable - that some force beyond human comprehension has most definitely repeatedly come to the aid of the people of modern day Israel, with remarkable similarities to its Biblical history, whenever the nation’s survival was at stake. This series, brought to you by American Trademark Pictures, includes never before seen footage from Israel’s wars, powerful dramatic recreations and fascinating interviews with those who lived, what could be described as, miracles of Biblical proportions.

Indrukwekkend, aan te bevelen!

Te zien op TBN Europe
donderdags, 16:30 - 17:00 (00:30)
vrijdags, 17:30 - 18:00 (00:30)
zondags, 22:30 - 23:00 (00:30)

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te koop (regio 1 USA!!!)

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