woensdag 3 oktober 2007

Miracle Investigation DVD: 8 Wonderen nader bekeken!

Deze engels- duits- en fransstalige DVD willen wij u hier bekendmaken, omdat het een geweldig getuigenis is van wat God doet in deze tijd!

miracle-investigation Miracle Investigation (English/French/German)
ISBN: 3-937180-07-9
SKU: DV10307

Price: € 19,90

Miracle Investigation reveals the fascinating facts surrounding eight modern day miracles. How did a deaf man hear once more? Can the lame walk again? Is it true a man lay dead for days on end, embalmed for burial, and then came back life? Join Reinhard Bonnke, a man well acquainted with the miraculous, as he explores these supernatural events.

1. Deaf-mute healed
2. Pub owner preaches
3. Lame woman walks
4. Blind man sees
5. Crippling pain healed
6. Demonic power broken
7. Dead man resurrected
8. Courage in the face of death

During thirty years of Christian ministry, Reinhard Bonnke has seen countless miracles first hand. He gives God the credit for his supernatural intervention into the lives of men and women who simply believed.

(DVD contains English/German/French)

E-R Productions GmbH - Miracle Investigation

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